Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summer Love!!!

Love the smiles and G- in the background!

09' Christmas card? Just you wait to see what we have in store!!!

D- & Mommy

D- & Daddy

A Brother's Love!!! There's nothing better that I've witnessed in my life than the love between these two boys!!!

My first boat ride...I love the wind in my hair, the roar of the engines in the water and the rocking of the boat!

Drake's not very fond of what it takes to get to the beach. The car trip consists of vomiting a few times, stopping every hour or so to give his little bum a breather from the chair, waking up in a strange bed and being scared for the first few nights and doesn't tolerate the sand much. You might even ask ...why? Is it worth all the hassle to get there?

Most definitely, YES!!! Drake does love getting to the pool everyday, having everyone close and loving on him, getting outside as often as possible and being a part of what everyone wants... love! Who doesn't benefit from a little one-on-one family time and that BIG BROTHER hanging on his every move?!?!? I hope we can continue to go to the beach every year for sanity of us ALL, even if the trip there and back is the sacrifice Drake makes for the family... Thanks baby!!!
( I know, I know... you're not a baby any more!)

this is what makes it ALL worth while!!!


Jeve (aka John and Steve) said...

cool photos!

Marina@EBMR said...

Oh definitely makes it all worth the while when you see their faces light up with joy!

P.S. I'm stopping over from SITS. Come bunny hop over to and enter 2 great giveaways (win a great Dr Hippo book for your little one and a great sleeve for your laptop!)

Faith Imagined said...

You are such an awesome mommy! I love the pictures!!!

Monica~ James~ Connor said...

I adore that last picture!! What a trooper D is! Glad you all got to get away for a little definitely deserve it.

Becky said...

You have got some cutie patootie boys there! And you are so pretty! Those are great photos!

Thanks so much for stopping by on my SITS day! That was great;)