Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Second Opinion Time

At this point I felt the need for a second opinion and quick! Dr Y. was able to et me in with a Nurologist in GSO. I took the first thing available. Lucky for me I was warned of his personality and was prepared with Drake’s past medical history, current medications & dosages (Thanks Nan!), even a copy of his MRI on CD.
Even though my frustration with Dr.Hi was communication and trying to be seen, Dr.Hi had the same basic things to say as Dr.H. I was impressed by his promptness, but all and all I didn’t want to change due to the fact that Drake has practically 13 doctors at BCH and they do have the capability to communicate (even if it takes a little fire under their seats every now and then) when they need to.
What it boiled down to is if Drake started having these episodes more frequently, we would need to go back into the EMU to try and figure out what was going on. That’s not exactly the news we were wanting, but I’m learning with Drake to take each day as they come, not as I hope or expect them to be.

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