Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Drake's Story

This is something I should have done for Drake the day he was born. I will do my best to recreate the past and bring you to present day. Please keep in mind as you read our journey, this is not a published book, there has been no proof reading and I will make several mistakes in grammar and spelling. It's just me, really me, a mom trying to share Drake's story.

You must remember; "The days seem long, but the years short."-unknown. This has held so true for our family. Shane, Trish, Grant & Drake

When I was 17 weeks pregnant there were several routine blood test done . We were told to come back in for a retest, that our baby had a chance of Nero Tube Defects (ie;spinabifida). The tests were known to show false positives on such a regular basis, we opt to have a second one done. This time the results were 1 in 2 chances of Downs Syndrome. It was so unusual for these tests to show so different results we chose for an amniocentesis at 21 weeks. The results came back one week later. It's amazing how 5 weeks of waiting to hear everything is going to be okay, can seem like a eternity! I'll never forget the phone call from the doctor. The three of us(Shane, Grant and myself), were heading out to dinner when the phone rang. I can remember the whole conversation with Dr. Lowe. All he could tell me was " Your son has a something called a Complex Balanced Trans location of 1, 4 & 14. I've tried calling others and no one seems to know what this is. We've contacted doctors at Duke, Wake Forest and Mt.Sinai in NY. This is the reason for the false positives not showing correctly.We are referring you to genetic counseling to try and help you understand. I'm sorry for the lack of information we have to give you."
I hung up the phone after several, "I don't understand and could you please explain that again". I thought at the time doctors knew everything.
Have you ever had a moment where time seemed to stop and nothing you've ever been told or heard before seemed to matter or make sense? This was that moment for us. Not only had I forgotten from school that we each had 46 chromosomes, but that the miracle of each person coming to being was truly "A Miracle".

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Beautiful pictures!!