Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Last day of School @ Gateway!

End-of-Year Pre-School Program
He truly loves that Ms. Ann!!
And the docs say he can't see!?!?!?

Drake with ALL his pre-school buddies...
I think he might even be looking across the room @ Mommy!

Drake and his class-mate... he's so proud of his "little" friend.
They've known each other since he was 4 months old.

D- & Mrs. Ann... definitely a "moment".

D- and Mr. O.T.
She gets the quirky side of D-!!!

D- & Mrs. Betty (asst. teach)
Well Drake's first year in pre-school started off a little rough, but ended with a GRAND finally! He's made HUGE strides by tolerating his stander (a little), looking at people when they approach, turning his head to his name, loving computer time while using the head switch, even taking a try at a head switch controlled wheel chair ( and it's working!!!).
I was so worried about leaving Mrs. Lori from the GSO CP Toddler Program. Only to find another extension of love and compassion from a group of people that really do LOVE these kids and see them for who they really are... kids who want to be a part of this world!
Thanks Gateway for another GREAT year!!!